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Laboratory LOUISE

Project SIMON

The Data Mining and Intelligent Systems Laboratory conducts research and training in data analytics and intelligent systems. The goal of the Laboratory is to conduct research and training in data mining and intelligent systems in collaboration with national and international educational and research institutions and local governments.
The main goal of the project SIMON is to develop an intelligent system for the automatic selection of machine learning algorithms in the social sciences that perform better on a given data set, taking into account the specific characteristics of the data. The research involves a comparative analysis of a large number of machine learning algorithms on a large number of datasets.
Other outputs


Associate Professor Dijana Oreški, PhD
Head of the LOUISE
Head of the project SIMON

Dijana Oreški is a data enthusiast with a doctorate from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics. She works as Associate Professor at the same faculty, teaching courses Knowledge discovery in data, Intelligent systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence in Business. Her professional interests lie at the intersection of machine learning & data science, and social sciences. She has published a vast number of scientific papers in data science and machine learning, focusing on their application in education. A complete list of the papers can be found on her Google Scholar profile

She has worked on numerous international and national projects. Some of the projects she is currently involved in are: “DIP2Future: Educational Programs, Qualifications Standards, and Occupational Standards Development in the field of ICT accordant with CROQF”, e-Schools: a comprehensive informatization of school operation processes and teaching processes aimed at the creation of digitally mature schools for the 21st century”. “Study4Career: Development of an integrated support for an early career development of Faculty of Organizations and Informatics students”, “Better Employability for Everyone with APEX”. Also, she is dedicated to the leading Croatian Science Foundation-funded project: “SIMON: Intelligent system for automatic selection of machine learning algorithms in social sciences”.

I am proud to be part of the team in this project, the cooperation so far is excellent,  and I look forward to future events and activities. We learn something new at every meeting!

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Maja Gligora Marković
Project Collaborator

The project SIMON gave me a great opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from the region. Also, it allowed me to work with experts and enthusiasts in the field of computational statistics from the LOUISE laboratory. The project is valuable for my further academic and research development as it tackles a topic related to automatic selection of machine learning algorithms, which is a field of my interest.

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Milica Maričić
Project Collaborator

The project: "SIMON: Intelligent system for automatic selection of machine learning algorithms in social sciences" brings me a lot of positive experiences.  Working on the project brought me new acquaintances, exchanging interesting ideas, and excellent cooperation with project members.

Maja Rožman
Project Associate

I’m new to this area and don’t have a lot of knowledge about data mining, but working on a project and collaborating in a lab with great people helps me learn faster. Everyone is very hardworking and kind, so I am very pleasure to be part of the SIMON and LOUISE and hope that we will achieve succesfull results together.

Dunja Višnjić
Project Asisstant

I am very good 🙂

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Goran Hajdin
Project Collaborator

LOUISE is an organizational unit at the Faculty of organization and informatics University of Zagreb.

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